Monday, 8 February 2016

Identities: Feminism and new/digital media

A silent feminist Twitter protest gets mixed support

What was the initial incident or situation that sparked this example?
In protest of women's inability to speak out on Twitter without incurring some form of abuse. However, it seems many Twitter users, are skeptical that a day of silence is the appropriate response to bullying. Other women have responded on Twitter with more pro-active tags: #shoutback,#inspiringwomen, and #nosilence. 

Ched Evans: Who is 'Jean Hatchet' leading petitions against his return to football?

What was the initial incident or situation that sparked this example?
Ched Evans, the footballer convicted of rape, has faced criticism from fans and women's groups alike over his potential return to the sport. Ched Evans is a convicted rapist," she writes. "He does not deserve to return to a high profile and highly visible role in football whilst he still refuses to acknowledge his guilt, apologise to his victim and attempt to make clear his views to the fans who look up to him that what he did was wrong and they should not traumatise her or other rape victims.

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