Firstly, with developments in technology, there is an increase of user generated content therefore empowering audiences in terms of the production of media. With the smartphone being embedded in our lives, there is the rise of citizen journalism. An example of this is seen with Paul Ronzheimer when he was able to broadcast refugees talking about their experiences and get inside stories. This especially fascinating because he filmed on his iPhone camera. He said that he was able to get footage that a camera crew wouldn't get. This is a prime example of how user generated content is something that is very powerful because it allows news that would often be concealed to be put out for everyone to see thus showing that audiences are able empowered especially with the production of media. Furthermore, with the rise of citizen journalism, crimes that would have previously gone unreported would now be reported. This is seen in the case of Ian Tomlinson. The initial statement that the police gave was, "The police was alerted that a man had collapsed, and were attacked by 'a number of missiles' as they tried to save his life." However, through the advancements in digital technology, fellow protestors were able to capture the episode where Tomlinson was assaulted on their mobile exposing the truth of his death. This example amplifies that with the advancements of technology, audiences are able to bring justice and to expose the reality therefore demonstrating that audiences are empowered by the enhancing of digital media.
Moreover, through the developments in digital media, the internet has given audiences a new freedom, thus empowering them. Online, there is often the ability to comment, like and repost. These services allow audiences to 'conform, accommodate or reject' therefore showing that audiences are empowered. Moreover, through social media services such as Twitter and Facebook, users can choose who's content they want to reader as well as block the content that they don't want to see through following and blocking. This furthers the notion that audiences can 'reject' and are able to mediate their content to which ever suits them. This exhibits that these developments cultivate a "culture of freedom" therefore portraying that audiences are empowered. Also, social media allows users to post whats on their mind. With this function, audiences are able to express their freedom of speech thus showing that they are given the ability to influence and to pressure certain people such as politicians. This shows how these developments in digital media have in fact empowered audiences.
However, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that content online is mediated by authorities therefore showing that audiences are given an illusion of freedom. An example of this is seen with Brazilian blogger, Italo Eduardo Diniz. On Friday 13 November, he was shot dead after receiving threats about his work. On his blog he often criticised local authorities and on his programme, he dealt with alleged corruption by politicians and police. This challenges the notion that "Rebellion is encapsulated in the internet" and freedom of speech. With Diniz' assassination because of his critiques of the government and authority, it shows that there is only so much one can say and once the boundaries have been crossed, there will be punishment. Moreover, it shows that the Marxian ideology is predominant as in this example, it shows the elite keeping those who are in the middle class in their place. Another example of this is CNN suspending a journalist because she published a tweet disapproving of the House of Representatives passing a bill regarding Syrian refugees. This accentuates that ultimately, if the authorities don't like what were saying, they'll will punish us. This therefore argues that developments are not empowering because audiences still have people to answer to and are not granted their freedom of speech.
Finally, through the increased popularity of the internet due to the developments in digital media, numerous broadcasts online could be false and misleading therefore showing that developments are not empowering for audiences. Information online isn't subject to proofreading which could therefore lead to instances where users are misled. Prime examples of this are the numerous celebrity deaths that were hoaxed on Twitter. A cluster of big names were involved with this scandal for example, Britney Spears, Justin Bieber, Morgan Freeman and many more. Through the frequency of people being tricked into believing that certain celebrities have passed away shows how easily susceptible people are online, thus showing how because of the lack of gatekeepers, people are deceived into believing the wrong information. Study in 2005 also suggests that '38% of UK pupils aged 9-19 never question the accuracy of online information'. This statistic shows that younger audiences are dumbing down as they believe blindly in information online. This therefore argues that developments in digital media have not empowered audiences.
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